About our counselling

About our service

All our counsellors and staff agree to abide by the Centre’s guidelines and procedures which are ratified by the BACP.

We are also bound to work within the BACP’s Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions. Details can be found here: BACP Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions

The counselling at the Centre is undertaken by our team of counsellors qualified to at least diploma level and also by counsellors currently on placement from fully accredited diploma courses.

All our counsellors are carefully chosen and are supervised on a weekly basis by our team of fully experienced and highly qualified supervisors.

The Centre is run by a Centre Manager and a Clinical Lead with the support and oversight of our Director for Clinical Standards and our Board of Directors.

Our counsellors and staff are fully insured


The Psychodynamic Approach

The psychodynamic approach is based upon an understanding that the human personality develops and has the capacity to grow and change, hence the word ‘dynamic’.

We carry within us a whole world of past experiences and ways of relating and responding.

There is also an understanding that we are not always fully aware of what is happening within us, or between ourselves and others. That is, we have an ‘unconscious’ or unaware part that sometimes takes us over. This can be positive, as in the experience of creative inspiration, or negative as in the case of self-destructive behaviours.

Within the counselling experience these ‘aware’ and ‘unaware’ elements, and this capacity to grow and change, are felt and lived out in our relationship with our counsellor. He or she can help us to understand ourselves more fully and helpfully.

Sometimes it can feel that we change by a personal act of will and sometimes change just starts to happen. This can be because within the counselling relationship our counsellor responds to us differently from the past and we experience a more helpful way of relating.

The Centre

Board of Directors

Richard Coker | Janet Prue | Alison Mohammed | Kathy Blythe 

Centre Manager
Jenny Keay